You can find my first review here.
Wrestling with RPGs. PS4 (Pocket-money Stealing) 4 Dummies
I'll otherwise being reviewing whatever hits my fancy. Movies, Shows, Games, Software, and of course my favorite topic, Cost; or more appropriately value for your money. I'm no expert, just another average consumer with a bit of skeptical an cheap side.
I'll be using the following very unscientific ratings, depending on the item being reviewed.
Price/Value: The cost of the item and my personal view of what the actual value of the item should of been.
$ Not worth the cash
$$ Lower than average, a very big maybe, wait for major discounts if you can.
$$$ Average, if you have the spare cash you think about a purchase.
$$$$ Above average, a good purchase worth the cash.
$$$$$ Superb, well worth the purchase, get it.
Satisfaction: Was I satisfied. Reserved for stuff I've played or seen, This is usually far from aside the price/value of the item.
">__<" Hated it and perhaps violently reacted to it.
O__o What did I just see/or play. Surprised, odd, unsure what to think.
V__V Meh. Ok I guess. worth doing once, but not missing much if I'd had passed on it.
^__^ Really good.
Initial/Stewing: A comparison of what I first felt about the topic, and what I think about it after looking at again. Includes multiple uses, views, plays, etc. overall staying power. This may include initial reactions to things I haven't tried as well.
Good Point/Bad Point: I'll try never to give major spoilers about something, unless it is warranted. But I will try to divvy up some good and bad points about it.
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